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Doctor's Visit

Member Benefits 

Learn more about the benefits of joining the Central Okanagan Division of Family Practice. Membership is open to all family physicians in our region.

  • How do I apply? And when do I apply?
    Applications are now being accepted. Please CLICK HERE to submit your application. Application deadline is January 31, 2025. Applications submitted after this date will not be eligible.
  • How long do I have to complete my project?
    Projects must be completed by March 15, 2025.
  • Can multiple clinics partner on a project?
    Yes. Clinics may work together on a joint project that positively benefits each clinic. Each clinic will be awarded the grant based on the number of physicians working at each clinic, up to $5,000 per clinic. Only one Clinic Owner or Clinic Manager needs to submit the grant request on behalf of all clinics involved. Individual physicians from separate clinics can also apply together as a group on a project. Note that each individual physician can only participate in one grant application.
  • Why these topics?
    The topics for the 2024-25 Project and Clinic Grant Program were selected based on feedback from our members over the past year. They reflect areas that are important to our community, including planetary health, MOA development, cultural safety, and long-term care integration. We understand that other areas, such as maternity, attachment, recruitment, or projects under active Shared Care initiatives, are also high priority. These types of projects are funded through other existing sources or programs dedicated to those specific needs. If you have questions about alternative funding opportunities, please reach out to us at
  • If my project does not fit within the scope of clinic grants, where can I find alternative means of funding?
    FPSC offers funding for clinics to perform panel management and to implement Health Data Coalition’s EMR data portal. Click here for a complete list of current funding opportunities for clinical support and click here for additional grant information. Doctors of BC’s current list of open grants is available here.
  • Who is eligible?
    The clinic grant program is available to Central Okanagan Division of Family Practice members. Specifically: The physician practices in the Central Okanagan and is not 100% virtual. The clinic is primarily MSP-funded, and has at least one practicing, primarily MSP-funded Family Doctor. Clinics without Family Doctors are not eligible. Family physicians do not have to be practicing full-time to be CODFP members. IH (or other Health Authority) owned and operated clinics are not eligible.
  • How much funding can each clinic potentially receive?
    Maximum grant amounts are funded based on the number of physician* full-time equivalent (FTE). If a physician works one day per week, that is 0.2 FTE and five days per week is 1.0 FTE. Clinics with: 0.1 to 1.9 family physician FTE will receive $1,500 2.0 – 4.9 family physician FTEs will receive $3,000 5.0 or more family physician FTEs will receive $5,000 For example, if your clinic has 2 full-time physicians and 3 physicians that see patients half-time, the clinic is eligible for $3,000 (2 + 1.5 FTEs = 3.5 FTEs). * Funding is based on Family Physicians working in the clinic (not specialists, NPs, allied health, etc.) While the maximum grant funding is determined by your clinic’s total FTE, the actual grant amount awarded will be determined based on receipts submitted in your end of project report.
  • Can the grants be used towards the purchase of computers or other IT related software/hardware?
    Clinic grants cannot be used towards the purchase of computer hardware or IT related software.
  • Will the grant cover ongoing costs associated with the projects?
    No. The grant will cover the clinic’s initial project costs, and it is the clinic’s responsibility to pay for any ongoing costs beyond the initial project.
  • Are there any exclusions?
    Grant funded cannot be used towards: Clinical training or purchasing clinical equipment used by physicians and/or clinicians that involve direct or indirect patient care, or patient information/data. Physician time related to patient care. Projects which are supported by other sources of funding (e.g. DoBC, FPSC etc.) This includes: Staff training on new technology (e.g. online booking system, EMR, new software/ equipment, or online security. Purchase of software or hardware. Retreats, catering, social events, or appreciation gifts.
  • Can multiple physicians in a clinic submit different grant applications?
    The application is for the entire clinic or group named in the application. A single application can include multiple ideas that all support the improvement of Patient Medical Homes and building Primary Care Networks. Each clinic or group may request one grant for a project of its choice. This means a physician can only participate in one grant application per year. We encourage clinic owners and clinic managers representing an individual clinic (or representing a group of clinics) to apply on behalf of the entire clinic.
  • When will the grant money be awarded?
    A clinic (or group) will receive the initial 80% of the funds shortly after project approval. A clinic (or group) will receive the remaining 20% of project funds upon project completion. We will send you an end of project template to provide a brief summary of your project, after which you will receive the remaining funding.
  • What is the purpose of the grant?
    The Central Okanagan Division of Family Practice (CODFP) is proud to offer our community family practice clinics and provider groups a one-time financial grant to support your ideas to improve your Patient Medical Home practices and to build your Primary Care Networks. Our objective is to encourage as many clinics as possible to access the grants for a project that will make a meaningful difference to your clinic, staff and patients.
  • Locum Coverage
    The Division works with local family physician locums to cover your practice if you have a planned vacation or unplanned illness/other reason for taking time off.
  • Collaboration with local programs: Long term care, maternity, practice supports
    Our Primary Care Network connects local family physicians with specialists, long term care, maternity, and robust practice supports.
  • Long-Term Care
    Connection to the Central Okanagan Long Term Care Initiative (LTCI): Member events and road shows Bi-annual surveys Quarterly incentives acceptance fees 5 Best Practices
  • MOA Network Supports
    Upskilling and professional networking for Medical Office Assistants (MOAs) networking annual education events monthly virtual meetings
  • Tech Support
    Tech support services, including: Phone Online booking Virtual care Clinic websites Interpreter services
  • Pathways BC Access (free)
    Access to Pathways BC: Pathways is an online resource that provides physicians and their office staff/teams quick access to current and accurate referral information, including wait times and areas of expertise of specialists and specialty clinics. Pathways can also provide access to hundreds of patient and clinician resources, as well community service and allied health information that is categorized and searchable.
  • Networking and Educational Events
    The Division hosts multiple events throughout the year for physician networking and education (CME). Our newsletter has a calendar with upcoming events:
  • Primary Care Network: Training & Education
    The Primary Care Network (PCN) initiative offers member education events, team based care lunch and learns, clinic check-ins, and more. Participation in the PCN initiative offers physicians access to a collaborative care team such as a nurse in practice and allied healthcare professional collaboration. For more info, please contact
  • Divisional Digest Newsletter (monthly)
    Each month the Division sends an email to your inbox containing pertinent clinical information, community events, and primary care resources.
  • UpToDate Access (free)
    UpToDate is the most trusted evidence-based clinical decision support resource at the point of care. Healthcare professionals use UpToDate to help answer even the most complex questions. Division members get access to UpToDate for free with their membership.
  • Options to fit your practice and lifestyle preferences
    - Full time and part time opportunities - Diverse patient panel options - Small and medium group practices - Modern clinic spaces - Easily accessible with public transit and highways
  • Patient Attachment
    Support for patient panel building: Central in-take system using the HealthLink BC Health Connect Registry.

Working in the Central Okanagan

Learn more about what it's like to work in our communities and essential information for family physicians who may be interested in practicing here.

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